As soon as you mention colored people, everybody think about black people. I am not talking about one color and I am talking about all colors, white, black, brown, yellow or any other shades. I am calling on all Christians to realize who they are in Christ. The bible says in Genesis that God made man and women in His image. We all came from one man, Adam and one women, Eve. After the flood all people came from Noah and His family. There is no superior race or inferior race, we are all equal and color doesn't make us great or small. The color is just because of the presence or absence of a coloring pigment called Melanin. Christians of all the humans should understand this fact .
In the present time there is more talk about racism everyday and that only increases tension between people of different ethnicity. Instead Christians should talk about how all men and women are equal in the sight of God, and no one is superior or inferior because of color, race, ethnicity,gender or religion. No one should make any race or gender special. In the recent times especially in the United States people are using race as a issue in every situation. Whites vilify whites because they belong to the opposition party and some whites even act like blacks and speak badly , even degrading other whites. Blacks on the other hand vilify blacks because they belong to opposition parties and call them names and degrade them. A Christian cannot do that, because Jesus said love your enemy, do good to those who hurt you, and bless those who curse you. Many churches are involved in racial slurs and incite hatred and violence.
Christians are not supposed to look back at their past except to learn from them, Once saved by accepting Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins we are a new creation all things have become new. We cannot blame our parents, culture, race, economy or anything else. There is a lot of blaming going on in the African American communities of how they are suppressed in the past and they love to talk about that and many politicians and news media love to keep the hatred going on for their own benefit. We Indians have been subdued and enslaved for 250 years and I don't hear about the past miseries anymore because we have come a long way and are free since 1947. This is not to minimize the tragedies and injustices done to African Community or Native Indian community. There were some very disgraceful whites like KKK clan killed and degraded the black people in the past and are still active in some parts of the United States.
Christians should really and sincerely make efforts to unite all people , irrespective of color, race, status or gender that all people are equal in God's sight. Even in old testament God separated countries Israel and gentile nation on one condition , that is whether people worshiped living God or various idols.
The color is not the real reason for the hatred among people. It is sinful condition of human nature. There is lots of violence between same color people in many places. In Africa there are plenty of examples for this, Blacks killing Blacks. The major one is the conflict between tutus and tutsis in Rwanda in 1994. There is black on black violence in United States. The native Indian tribes killing other native Indian tribes. There is violence between whites against whites in European history. In India people killing same colored people because of their caste or religion. There is violence between South and North Koreans. These examples show that color or race alone are not responsible for the despicable treatment of others.
We who are called Christians cannot be like unbelievers and encourage racism or condone them but work to bring all people together and treat everyone as equal irrespective of color, race, ethnicity, caste or gender as Jesus treats us all equal. The racial hatred that is going on in the world is a spiritual battle. The word of God says in Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood , but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. So do not blame anyone else or anything else, pick yourself up, trust in Jesus and go forward. Self loathing or self pitying or blame game will not help you.
There is a perception in the United States that people of certain race means that they have to support certain political party, certain people with a particular faith will support certain political party. Some Christians think that their faith in God has nothing to do with their political view or misuse God's word according to their belief. God's word explicitly states that shedding of innocent blood is an abomination to God, God judged many countries in the old testament for killing babies in the alter of idols. They go and vote for a candidate who supports abortion. The blacks in United States, who call themselves believers do the same because they think that the other candidate is racist, thus putting their view over God's law. Christians spew hatred in their social media against a President because he belongs to the other party. One man , who calls himself a Bishop, columnist said in his tweet this when the brother of the president died recently, " Grim reaper you took the wrong brother" meaning that the president should have died instead of the brother. Is this a Christian conduct and call yourself a bishop? sad , very sad and the name of the Lord is blasphemed. You do not understand that God is the one who rises up the kings and He is the one who takes them down, even the bad ones. (Daniel 2:21)The word of God clearly states that we should pray for the leaders and the one in authority so that we will have a peaceful life.
Let us as Christians work towards harmony and peace not division, follow Christ's commands like forgive, love and pray for those who hate us , persecute us and revile us. God doesn't differentiate or favors any race, He loves everyone and expects us to obey His commands. Jesus is not a Caucasian,not a black when He came into this world He came as a middle eastern man. He is God and not a man so do not put Him and confine Him into a particular race.